My niece and I live 1 - 1 1/2 hour drive apart. I can't stay at her house and she can't stay at my house because we both have school. (And it's a lot of money for gas to go to each other's house every weekend).
Every time we get the chance to hang out, she loves it; but every time either one of us have to leave (to go home), she hates it. Every time she cries and she begs me to come home with her or let her stay with me. Neither one of those can happen.
It kind of breaks my heart, but now, it's starting to get a little bothersome because she does it every time.
I don't know what to do. I've tried to reassure her that we will see each other again. I've tried giving her stuff to remind her of me. I've also reminded her that she can call or skype me whenever (with her mother's permission, of course). Nothing seems to work.
What should I do to help ease her mind and make our separating easier on the both of us? (btw, she is 8 and I'm 16).