What do you do if you love to guys at once?

Responses (3)

boy i bet thats a hard one you will probably need to sort out your feelings to the point of knowing who you feel the differences in the two guys who do you think of the most who does the most for you who do you spend most of your time with are they both vieing for your attention is one more sypathetic to your needs then the other one try and out do the other do they know about each other are they bugging you for attention theses kinda things make a different you might need alot of time to figure this out don't what ever you do rush the situation take your time is there any jealousy

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Who have you known longer? Who do you have more history with? Who do you have more in common with? Do they both like you back?

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Ask to have a threesome. If one of them does not want to; then there is the keeper. If they both want to; then keep neither and move on or go ahead and have the threesome for experimental adventures.

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