it's been two years since they broke up and to me thats a bit of a long time to be broken up about some skank that cheated on you with a bunch of different guys my boyfriend even knows and still remembers where the guys work and what they drive i mean damn i know this was an important relationship he told me he got her pregnant once and she had an abortion but was it even his? we live together and the night before last when we were both going to bed as we were laying down together i started to bring up something and then i felt like i was hit with a ton of bricks when he brought up his ex again why the hell isn't he over her yet? i don't understand i cant compete with a memory. and we have have been together almost two years i understand that these things take time but my god he did things different with her with me he wants to take everything Extremely slow whats up with that? i just moved in with him he asked me to marry him and now he want us to move into different places until after we get married and not to have any children until im in my thirties. we went to dinner last night and to a place where his ex use to work right beside a coffee shop where the guy she cheated with still works and he told me all of this straight out i wanted to whip something at his head what do i need to do? i moved to a different state ten hours away from my friends and family to be with him and i don't think i can win this time my guts telling me to leave he says he loves me but when he broke up with his ex he tried to commit suicide and i am scared he will try to do the same what should i do?