Okay, after I graduated high school my friends and I packed our bags and went to Florida for a week getaway. To say the least... One night, later in the week, I met this girl through some mutual friends and as soon as I laid eyes on her I fell... Hard. We spent the last two nights going to the clubs, dancing our faces off, and hanging out on the beech just talking until three in the morning. Sounds great, right? Well turns out, we only lived a little less than an hour away from each other our whole lives, which brought along the idea of me wanting to hopefully making something more out of what we had those last two nights. Sure enough, after some time, me and this beautiful girl that I've come to know became my girlfriend, and we spent the whole summer going out on little adventures and spending time with each other... Where I quickly found myself falling more and more each and every day, so did she. Defiantly a summer that'll be hard to beat... Before we knew it, the thing we both knew was coming was upon us... The month of August, the time that we had to go to separate colleges located two hours away from each other. Me on a baseball scholarship, and her on a softball. We packed our things and headed on our routes. The first month was fine but shortly after, she started texting short and not wanting to hardly talk at all... All in all, it was over. We split, she started talking to another guy at her school, and we grew distant. Long story short, after two long months, she text me one night that we were both home for the weekend, and asked me to meet her. And you can guess it... I did. She got in my car and started to quickly explain what has been going on in her life, about her not being happy, her and her new guy not treating her as good as a man should, and stating that she misses "us." She explained that she planned to break up with him within the next week, and if I wanted, to try to work things out between us. She said that she understood if I didn't because of what happened but, of course I did. We returned to school, with her talking to me like things were great but after a day or so, it fell of a little. I didn't know what to do, so I asked her if she still wanted this to work, and she replied, "Yes." and later that week she texted me saying, "Well we broke up, I just need some time." So I let her know that I'll be here once she's ready to talk about things. What do I do? What are your thoughts about what she's trying to get at?