What can you contribute in the society through knowing and understanding Leisure and recreation?

Answers (1)

The way people use their leisure time is a fair index of what their set of values is. There was a time when people used evening hours for family association and recreation, for reading, including the reading of the Bible.
A recent Gallup poll in the United States posed the question, “What is your favorite way of spending an evening?” Of those interviewed, almost half listed “watching television.” Less than one out of seven preferred reading, only one out of ten included “engaging in family activities at home.” One wonders, too, what type of reading is done by those who do prefer it. The improbability of its including any consideration of God’s Word is indicated by the fact that less than one out of thirty gave ‘attendance at religious meetings’ as a preferred way of spending an evening. The rule applies to the use of leisure time also that ‘you reap what you sow.’—Gal. 6:7.
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