I have been under the care of a Neuro since Oct. Bloodwork was great, EMG/NCD=normal. Don't need the meds=pins/needles more than tolerable, but meds do nothing for burning skin sensation in my fee/legs. MRI of spine said severe narrowing at bilateral neural foramina on L5-S1. MRI of cervical spine also said some moderate narrowing, with osteophyte. My last appt with Neuro was Feb. 8. When she ordered MRI of cervical spine, I managed to get a fast appt...but now I'm waiting 'til April 7 to see her again. She said she 'thinks' the problem is with my sensory nerves. She also dismissed the idea of physio saying it wouldn't help. Well, I AM doing physio.
I have now developed a very itchy rash-like pattern on my neck along with several skin tags. Also, I had a very itchy rash on the inside of my upper thighs. I had scratched the skin to bits, but have put ointment on the skin, & haven't scratched there in several days. It's still very evident that something is going on there.
I'm at wits end with my problems. Yes, I'm scared, yes, I'm losing hope of someone finding out just what's wrong with me. My GP subtly asked if it could be "anxiety"..to which I said a resounding NO..I saw him last week because now my feet become very cold when I'm sitting a certain way, & the skin turns blue. He has ordered arterial imaging of the arms & legs but the appt. isn't 'til July. It has crossed my mind that perhaps if there is any sort of blockage or bloodflow problem, it could be the cause of the burning skin, & irritation of the nerves.
Anything you might offer would be very much appreciated. I can't talk to my best friend about this because she works all day & I don't want to burden her with this, & my other friend is very ignorant when it comes to anything medical. She'd just look at me with
an 'outer-space' expression.
By the way, the Neuro asked me if I was sure there wasn't any inflammatory conditions in my family, to which I said I was sure there was not. Please help. Sorry to be so lengthy.
What can I do? I'm at wit's end?
Answers (1)
Its very possible that there could have been a family member that might have had a dealings with the irritation of the nerves burning skin that maybe no one knew about sounds like circulation issues. Could even be nerve damage of some sort sometimes theses have a tendency to act the exact opposite of what's actually going on unless you can convince the dr to talk to you or get the tests done earlier you might have to wait.
Softbabe44..I'm not sure what you mean when you say "if I can get the Dr.to talk to me". She does talk to me. There is NO inflammatory issues in my family. I'm starting to think that the circulation issues could be aggravating the nerves, thereby causing the burning sensation, but I don't know how I can find this out until after the imaging tests.
I see the Neuro April 7 & will tell her about the skin discolouration (blue) & cold in my feet. It was not the Neuro who ordered the arterial imaging tests, it was my GP.
Again, I'm at wit's end here. Worrying will not do me any good. I supposed I should adopt the idea of not worrying until there's something to worry about.