I'm 14, and I've been getting my period for a little over two years. I've never had problems with the period itself, but pretty much every month I've had really bad PMS. I get really nauseous and once I even threw up. I've had to stay home from school a few times because of it.
That's bad enough as it is, but the real problem is that I get really depressed. I never feel anything like myself for about 10-15 days. It doesn't go away until a few days before my period ends.
I also have depression. In a couple years ago I started feeling depressed, but no one knew until very recently. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety (I've always had anxiety) a few months ago. I took an SSRI, Zoloft I think, and it ended up making me even more depressed and I had no energy at all, so I stopped taking it. Then I started on Wellbutrin, which has made me feel happier overall, except for the PMS and most of the week I get my period. It's about 10 - 15 days every month. During those days I feel nothing like myself and have no interest in things I normally love doing. It's horrible and I have a really hard time in school, although no one seems to believe that because I get good grades. It ruins my social life and it gets worse every month. The best advice I've been given is to put up with it.
I've been looking online and most websites will say to take an SSRI (I don't want to ask my therapist to prescribe me more medication), calcium (I take vitamins with calcium), and birth control. My therapist was actually the one who originally brought up the birth control. She said it could help a lot with my mood. But she said it's only prescribed to people who have physical symptoms. Why is this? I've had a cyst before and it was the worst pain I ever felt in my life, but I'd rather feel like that every month than be depressed.
I'm seeing my doctor the week after next, so I'm hoping she can help, but I wouldn't be surprised if she just told me I have to put up with it until my hormones balance out. I really need this problem to go away because I'm going into high school and I want to be able to put full effort in.
I am also wondering if maybe I don't have depression since the depression started the same time I first got my period.
Sorry this was so long... but can anyone relate to this or have any suggestions?