My ex girlfriend had been in my snapchat friends list. I could see her score and stories and, presumably, snaps, if she had ever been so inclined to send them to me. Conversely, she also had access to my similar content on her end. However, one day, she was no longer listed in my friend directory. She was, however, listed in the "Added Me" directory with the distinction of "Added You Back.." Wasn't too thrilled by this sequence of events. When I came around, I clicked the "Add" button next to her profile in the "Added Me" section, however, a gray bar popped up suggesting that the user could not be found. Tangential question: did she receive a notification when I clicked "Add"? For whatever reason, I tried this again a few days later, and to my surprise, she ended up transplanting from the "Added Me" directory back to the friends directory. This time, her score was unavailable to me though. Another tangential question: did she receive a notification this time? Why couldn't I see her score? I was pissed, so I selected the "Remove Friend" option, and she is now back in the "Added Me" directory, once again with the distinction of "Added You Back." Very curious as to what she did on her end to cause this, and very curious as to what she knows I've done on my end in response. Thanks in advance.