A couple weeks ago these little red bubbles almost like a blister started popping up in my pubic area. Then started spreading to my thighs and now my calves. They aren't painful until the skin which is over some fluid comes off. It scabs up and after leave a dry looking scar. I don't know what it is and I'm very worried. Someone please help!!!!
Responses (1)
Could be any number of things, questions you need to ask are you sexually active? if so, you might wanna question your partner(s) if applicable.
If not, it could be impetigo, which is common and goes away in 2-3 weeks, could be ingrown hairs which is also common but not in high quantities, could be razor burn, if you recently only began shaving that area it can be due to that, could be soap poisoning, heat rash, bacterial infection. Best answer I can offer is to see a dermatologist and have some tests run, you don't want it to be something dangerous that could be contagious. if you scratch be sure to wash your hands, cut your nails, and avoid scratching other parts of your body to prevent spreading it.