What are the standout key immune-boosting ingredients in 7-OH?

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The immune-enhancing properties of 7-OH come from its blend of natural compounds that support both the immune system and overall wellness. Let’s explore how some of these ingredients contribute to immune health:

Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom)Kratom has long been used for its medicinal properties, including its ability to modulate the immune system. The alkaloids found in Kratom, such as mitragynine, have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and immune-regulating effects. By reducing inflammation, Kratom can help support the immune system in its fight against infections and chronic illnesses.Kratom’s ability to reduce oxidative stress also helps protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals, which can weaken the immune system over time.
Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna)Kanna, a traditional herb from South Africa, is included in 7-OH for its mood-enhancing and relaxing properties. Stress and anxiety can have a significant negative impact on the immune system, weakening its ability to fend off infections. By promoting a calm, stress-free state, Kanna helps the body remain resilient and improves immune function.Additionally, Kanna’s antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals, supporting the immune system’s ability to stay strong and efficient.
TheobromineTheobromine, a natural compound found in cacao, offers a gentle energy boost while also improving blood flow and circulation. Better circulation ensures that immune cells are efficiently transported throughout the body to fight off infections and repair damaged tissues.Theobromine has also been linked to reduced inflammation and enhanced cellular health, both of which are crucial for maintaining a robust immune response.
L-PhenylethylamineL-Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a naturally occurring compound that has been shown to have mood-enhancing and neuroprotective effects. A healthy, positive mood plays a vital role in immune function, as chronic stress and negative emotions can suppress immune responses. PEA helps to balance mood and boost mental energy, which can contribute to an overall stronger immune system.
GlucuronolactoneA natural component of connective tissues, Glucuronolactone has been shown to support liver function and help the body detoxify. The liver plays a central role in filtering toxins from the bloodstream, which is crucial for immune health. Glucuronolactone may help the body cleanse itself of harmful substances, making the immune system’s job easier.

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