What are the name of the seven steps scientists follow and define each?

Answers (3)

The scientific method is a systematic way of learning about the world around us and answering questions. The number of steps varies from one description to another, mainly when data and analysis are separated into separate step, but this is a fairly standard list of 6 scientific method steps, which you are expected to know for any science class:

Propose a hypothesis. This is a sort of educated guess about what you expect. (see examples)
Design and perform an experiment to test your hypothesis. An experiment has an independent and dependent variable. You change or control the independent variable and record the effect it has on the dependent variable.
Record observations and analyze what the data means. Often, you'll prepare a table or graph of the data.
ConclusionConclude whether to accept or reject your hypothesis. Communicate your results.

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People who call themselves scientists often do not know the scientific method. They get led astray by their learned ignorance.

The alleged scientific method:
1. Observe something.
2. Formulate a hypothesis.
3. Devise a test.
4. If the test fails, go to #2.
5. If the test passes and is confirmed, the hypothesis might be promoted to a theory and used to prove other hypotheses. And it might not.

The actual scientific method:
1. Formulate a theory.
2. Make a computer simulation.
3. Compare the simulation to observed data.
4. If they don't agree, find some way to adjust the data. If you can't adjust the data, ignore it.
5. Be sure your fellow scientists will agree with your findings, then publish.

Notice there are five steps, not seven.

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