I'm thinking of getting a tank, but I want more than just fish. I would like things such as eels, crabs, sea urchins, and sea slugs, as well as fish. If these things can't go in a freshwater tank, I'll be happy to get a saltwater tank.
Answers (1)
Some of the species you list are saltwater only. Saltwater tanks require a lot of work before you can introduce fish.
Freshwater tanks are much easier but still require some work to build the water environment and the right PH levels for fish to live.
Some fish are more agressive than others and you cannot always mix fish.
One thing to check with the petstore is the aggressiveness of them. The slugs are bottom feeders mostly. Crabs are probably agressive depending on what other fish species you put in there. Eels for the most part are submissive and are only agressive near their nest or home.
Start off with some coral rocks, sea anomes and clown fish. But only after you have setup the tank environment. This process can take several days to establish.
Thank you so much!
Can I put all of the things other than the fish in a tank together?