What age should I allow my daughter to wear makeup?

Answers (4)

I think 15 or 16 is a good age. I know there are many girls starting to put on makeup at the age of 11 or 12 now but I don't think it is really good for the skin so yeah maybe 15 or 16 if she really wants to doll up! I would not recommend putting foundation though! :-)

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This is one of those questions where u have to base what to do on ur child and not on society. I personally think under 13 is to young. With that being said there are some 14yr olds who act more responsible and mature then some 17yr olds. If u have a well grounded 14yr old who minds the rules, get good grades, etc... well then it sounds as if she has earned the opportunity. If shes not responsible, doesnt follow the rules, pick up after herself, etc... then if it was me I would say no. Why give her a privelge when she hasnt earned it! I know its hard when they become teens and start to pull away. We so desparately want to re-connect with them that we often find ourselves doing things to make them happy and we take on a friend role but thats not what they need What they need is for u to be their parent! One thing to keep in mind is that once something has a start/beginning; it will progress. So say for instance shes allowed to wear blush and lipgloss, the next step would be eyeshadow or whatever the next step would be. U cant take it back when they get older just because u dont think its cute or innocent anymore. Parents do this all the time. They let their kids do something at the age of 7,8,9 thinking its cute but then try to take it away from them when they hit their teens years kuz now its not so cute anymore.Well thats not very fair to the kids and they wont understand why it was ok back when they were not responsible but not ok now when they are supposably more resposible. A good rule of thumb is dont let ur child do now what u dont want them to be doing when they are 15,16! I didnt let my kids date until they were 16. From the time they were little I would tell them what the rules were that way the rules werent a suprise as the grew up. Sure we had our moments but overall I am so glad I stuck to it kuz I know and they know it was the best decision for them. And they were very mature responsible kids. They had no bed time or curfew and never were they asked to do their homework; they did it on their own so their was no need for them to have rules regarding those subjects. As far as dating goes I figured that at the age of 13,14,15 they had enough on their plates and didnt need to add another relationship to figure out and juggle so waiting until 16 seemed appropriate! Good luck!

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She shouldn't be dating until 16 so what is the point prior to that?

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