Were the Aztecs civilized?

Answers (1)

What exactly do you think "civilized" means?

According to the Greek derivation, it means "lived in cities". Yes, they had cities. They even had sidewalks and public toilets. They never had the wheel, because wheels are sorta useless in mountains. They had no great need for indoor plumbing, so they never invented it. But they certainly were civilized.

BTW: Indoor plumbing and flush toilets were invented in southeast Asia about 4500 years ago. The prophet Abraham was born in a city with indoor plumbing and flush toilets, and the technology was already five hundred years old.

Now what exactly do you think "civilized" means? it's not clear just what you are trying to ask.

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When I said "civilized", I meant behavior-wise as well.

Ok, that is what we call "culture".

When two or more people live in the same area they have to adopt some rules about who does what to whom. Any such rule is called a more', French accented e pronounced "mor-ay". The adjective form is moral, and the habit of following more's is morality. More's are arbitrary: they do not have to be right, only accepted. Another group on the other side of the river might have very different more's. A collection of more's defines a culture.

"Civilized" is a poorly defined word, and whatever you take it to mean it is still only an opinion.