I need some tips for weight loss. My fiance is going out of state for a few months and I want to surprise him by getting closer to the weight I was when we first started dating. I am a 23 year old female with chronic back and hip pain so I am limited in what I can do exercise-wise. I am 215 lbs and my desired weight is 150 (I was 165 when we started dating). I have about 3 months to lose the weight. Realistically, I am just happy dropping at least 20-30 lbs in that time. I want to reach my goal weight by our wedding in April, but I need help losing the weight fast and healthy.
Does anyone have any tips on diet and exercise?
Weight Loss...help?
Responses (4)
you can lose alot of weight by not eating....
Drink only water and have just a few fruits a day to keep your stomach from hurting. just do it and you'll lose that weight in a month.
The human body can last for a month without eating.
Source: I was 270lbs. Now im 170. took 4 months but thats because i broke the rules too much and had fast food when i wasnt supposed to.
It's not a crash diet. Fruits and veggies are loaded with enough nutrients to keep you going on them alone. They just don't have enough calories to make you bigger, which is good.
okay 65 lbs in 90 days does not sound wise even if you are super healthy and in you case as you are already suffering with a chronic back pain it will become disastrous. I respect your ambitions but would suggest you be calm, would also recommend an herbal formula "beyond weight management tea" of secrets of tea dot com, it is exclusively herbal and effective tonic to lose in a healthier way.
I'll be honest, I've struggled with bulimia since I was ten. I'm not sure if not eating is a good idea. I haven't slipped in almost a year, but it if I do something drastic like that, I will be setting myself up for a crash.