... land as well and keeps his hay pressed right up against the fence where the line of property is, so our cows are obviously tempted to eat the hay that's there, well somehow our cow got on to the other side of the fence and now he has our cow enclosed in a tiny corral and isn't letting her get back to our side and is threatening to sue us, what can we do and how far can he go?
Responses (1)
First of all, Call the police... He has no right to keep any of your property or cattle as a hostage and say he is going to sue you.... If your cows did eat some of the hay offer to compensate some for that, but ONLY if the hay was freshly baled and he regularly sells it for profit. If he wants some sort of insane amount then tell him you will see HIM in court for stolen cattle, After this is resolved put up some sheet metal or some different fencing and have no contact with this nut job.