... office on the property. He has the code to our front gate and has been delivering to us for months now. Normally, he drops out envelope by the garage and goes about his way without us ever knowing that he is there. My fiance and I have 2 dogs in large separate kennels across the driveway...he has a lab and I have a Neopolitan Mastiff. The Mastiff is a blue color and is particularly rare looking and is also protective. This morning (Monday) I heard the dogs barking so I walked out of the office onto the upstairs balcony. I noticed that it was our regular UPS driver. I thought it was a little odd as we usually get our delivery on Tuesdays but stood there to watch. As he drove down the driveway, I noticed his eyes directed towards my mastiff. Next, he parks his UPS truck, hops out with a package along with his handheld device, walks around for a sec, walks back to his truck to grab a dog treats, walks directly to the Mastiff's kennel and drops a treat over the top of her kennel and swiftly walks back to his truck along with the package that he never left. He only gave the Mastiff a treat but not the lab and he also basically faked a delivery all to "visit" with my dog. This is puzzling and suspicious to me at the same time....can I please get some input!