My daughter is 7 and about to be 8. I have busted my butt to get my education and move forward with my life. I am engaged and have an amazing job where I have provided so much to my daughter. (not saying its about money but she has lived a very well lifestyle thus far). Her father(she doesn't claim as her father) has seen her maybe twice a year for a few hours at a time in a group setting (birthday parties, etc...) Has now requested every other weekend visitation and holidays. He also claims I have refused to let him see her. Now with that being said... I have proof in my text messages that he has asked to see her 4 times in the past year and each time I said okay and then he bailed out and gave excuses why he cant see her. I have absolutely know idea who this man is, we don't communicate and are not stuck in each others lives. So, now since I have been snooping around I have found 2 pictures on his fb of her at 4 years old riding in a car with no carseat/ booster seat/seat belt. I also found that he is living with his girlfriend whom is 10 years older than him. She has 2 children. A boy in middle school and a high school girl. If my daughter was to stay with him on weekends she would not have her own room or bed. With that being said, the daughter is an open lesbian. I do not find it appropriate for my daughter to be sleeping with a girl of such age difference and beliefs. My daughter does not understand that or even agree with it, and has been raised to know differently.(no offense to anyone) My daughter is about to be 8 and is pretty smart for her age, and makes her own opinions about things, these aren't things I put in her head. I also found that the fathers best friend was just arresting for a shooting in the town he lives in and that his other friend who he claims as her "god father" is a well known drug dealer. Most of his friends are gang related and when I googled their names, it immediately showed where they have been arrested for multiple crimes. These ARE NOT the type of people I want around my daughter or ANY child at that. I do not think my child is emotionally ready to view the lifestyles of the hood!( for lack of better words). This is not me being mean and degrading his lifestyle but me being a concerned parent and not wanting my daughter to be put in that kind of environment when she doesn't have too. She also refuses and begs me not to let him see her since finding out about the idea of him getting visitation. I am getting an attorney and seeking legal advice. I just wanted to know opinions and thoughts. Sorry for any typos, I am very emotional writing this. I understand I was the one who had a child at 18 with the wrong one. I don't need anyone telling me about my faults. I am looking for the best interest of my child and this lifestyle is something most people try to get away from not go back too.