So i had a dream last night and it was pretty crazy in the dream me and another guy were fighting another group i rember one bit of the dream we had to hide in a car warehouse and they were looking to get us , they started burning expensive cars and i thought we could steal them and make good money so i got out and drew for my knife and we fought them off and think we might have even killed a couple of them, the next part of the dream we encountered 2 females from the other group we can into a fight with them near a carpark and i or the other guy killed one of the women, then paramedics showed up and were asking to take the womenbut we said shes fine we will take care of her so they after a few more words left, the other women had ran in the car park and was hiding somewhere, i said to the other guy you go ! I will get her he agreed and left ( this would be the last time i saw him in person) by the way he was white with an open shirt and shaved black hair..... I too had an open shirt so i then i started walking slowly in to the car park i pulled out my flick knife which wasn't very long i then saw some earphones under a car as i looked closer she jumped out and we fought we ended up at the edge of a building i then stabbed her 3-5 times under her left armpit, she then smiled at me and said i really like you, shan leaned closer and told me there was something she really wanted to tell me i was foolish and listened she kind of seduced me, all of a sudden she drew with her right arm a 7 inch machete and sliced at my middle body and it was a deep wound , i grabbed her ankle and jumped of the building and smasher her head of a pole sticking out we both were falling but the wind took her away from me i started falling to my death under me was busy traffic, as i was falling i started to concentrate hoping i could fly but no i smashed the ground so hard my body bounced back up in the air and i saw my intestines and guts land on the floor then by body lander on top of it , i caused lots of crashes and screams for a second i moved a little but then the side of a big van hit me accidentally finishing me off i was dead but the last bit of the was amazing i saw a news presenter on the streets talking about the violence and how with deaths on both sides it would stop it then showed a clip of the other guy with a assault rifle and a similar picture of who we had been fighting the dream just ended. Whats weird is waking waking up i felt honour and felt as was brave and for what I believed in.