Hi, I'm 13 years old (almost 14) and I weigh roughly 98-100 pounds (I haven't checked lately, but i'm kinda under-weight). I was definitely born in the wrong generation, I should have been a flower-child. When i'm older, I'd like to be an animal activist, or something along the lines of animals/the environment. But, I have been working towards become vegetarian - I honestly don't find meat appetizing any more... But, I do this entire fruit and veggie diet, and my parents kinda of scare me out of it - then I'm back to eating small amounts of meat... My past menstruation was more painful than usual, and my mood was definitely worse... I don't know if that is necessary to say, but I did anyways. My parents tell me about things such as my teeth falling out, my bones breaking, things that scare me away from the entire healthier version of life. But, I can't tell if it would be healthy for a girl my age, weight, and height (I'm like, 5'6 or something I think) to do this. My dad says I should wait until i'm about 18, when i'm grown - but I find meat gross! I don't know what to do - I've checked out countless books, they haven't helped... I'm so afraid I might make myself sick... Help me out? Also, my family isn't the richest, and we cant really afford fresh veggies and fruit... But I want to do this, badly. I'm afraid i'm blindingly starving myself... Thanks for your input!