Atheist people: Okay, I get it. You don’t believe, just as there is nothing I can do to convince you to believe there is also nothing you can do to convince me not to believe. If you actually have an answer that can shed light to my confusion then by all means go ahead but if you are just gonna go an insult and disrespect my faith because it is different from yours, please don’t. Thanks!
Okay, So I have always been raised in the Trinitarian way of thinking (One God = Three persona: God the father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit). I have always thought that this was one of the essence of Christianity and I never thought that there is an argument about this issue until I have joined a new Christian group (You see, I moved to another country and was looking for a Christian group).
In this group they pretty much teach the same teaching as any other Christian group I’ve joined. Love, humility, mercy, live in the Spirit, all those good things, except they teach a teaching that is COMPLETELY different from the teaching I grew up in. Don’t get me wrong, they teach that there is only One God too…but in a way that is different from a Trinitarian One God? I can’t explain it.
In certain ways both groups teach that there is only God. Except Trinitarians believe that there’s one God three persona. This one believes there is only one God period. Jesus is one with God the father and that He is OmniPresent.
To add to the confusion, I have researched this issue and found a website that discuss how the Trinitarian concept was born from pagan beliefs (Egyptians believing in three gods) and then another website discussing that although Trinity was never mentioned in the bible it is still real when studying the gospel as a whole.
Everything I thought I knew has been shattered and I can’t believe I know so little about my God. I need to know the truth. John 3:16 states that For God so loved the world He gave us His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. I believe this, all the while that I was believing this my thoughts were Jesus is different from the father as He is the son. Then we stumble this onto this: "I and my Father are one." (John 10:30) – and I believe this too. But as you can see, it’s confusing me. What exactly Should I believe? That when He sent his Son, He sent himself or Jesus is really different from God the Father? I don’t know…help me.
Also, I know there will probably be different answers here. So Could you provide a reason underneath as to why you are more of a credible answer? (Like, you've been a pastor for how many years or you've been studying the gospel, or you are baptized in water and Spirit, I don't know...just something?)