Universe Topic Questions
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We found 87 questions associated with the 'Universe' topic. Displaying results 31 - 40.
If the universe started because of the big bang wouldn't something had to have been there before?
Are there aliens in this universe?
this question is all about aliens. Are there are aliens in this universe?
The universe?
Assuming an expanding universe with a central Big Bang location and a current perimeter, how do we establish the relative location of our galaxy. ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: universe
Story ideas about Greek mythology, with the theme of 'Young Explorers'?
I have a starter of the 'explorer' getting whisked into an alternate universe, and it's basically the same as Earth, but the main ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | 1 star | Open
Related topics: earth, young, mythology, theme, greek, story, explorer, idea, character, universe
How will the galaxies move during the collapse of the universe?
Assuming intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe how many planets in total are inhabited?
I believe intelligent life currently exists on other planets and is impossible to deny based purely on the fact that we exist so why wouldn't it ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open
Related topics: life, planet, believe, universe, fact, planets, intelligent, impossible, alien, space, mathematics
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