Thc Topic Questions
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We found 7 questions associated with the 'Thc' topic.
Can I make wax by making a really potent tea then filtering it and evaporating the tea?
Can I make a super potent tea with grinded up buds using water and butter I'm using butter so it will absorb the THC but idk if the THC will go ...
Does heels detox drops work on thc and if so how fast?
By boy friend has a urine test friday he wont quit smoking potso i need to know if heels detox drops work for thc and is how fast if not i need any ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: work, fast, drop, boy, smoking, friend, heel, friday, boys, thc, friends, detox, urine test
Whats the best/quickest way to cleanse THC/Weed from your urine in order to pass a test?
I know you can drink tons of water and pee and all that stuff, but what about like detox pills and drinks? Do those work efficiantely? Also whats the ...
Can pot,weed, THC whatever you call it be good for pregnant women and baby?
Okay I'm full term now and i smoked pot before i got pregnant and stopped while pregnant and will continue not to while breast feeding because ...