Sun Topic Questions
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We found 168 questions associated with the 'Sun' topic. Displaying results 41 - 50.
What does the sunflower symbolize in William Blake's "Ah! Sunflower"?
Ah! Sunflower by William Blake Ah, sunflower, weary of time, Who countest the steps of the sun; Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the ...
What changes occur to dish antenna when its on the rooftop for long time, does it get stretched?
I've an argument with my friend that's about what happens to dish antenna when its exposed to sun for long time on the rooftop. he says its ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: friend, exposed, rooftop, dish, antenna, sun, friends, time, physics
We see 2 position of star near the sun and thus say light is bending, is not because the earth move?
Albert says that the two position of a star on solar eclipse is because the light is bend because of the spacetime bending. I was wondering that the ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open
Related topics: light, earth, bend, star, eclipse, albert, bending, sun
What does the sun burn to make what?
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