Shovel Questions

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If a 60 y/o woman's son, who doesn't live with her, helps her shovel snow, is he a rotten son?

Many people in their 60s are capable of doing many things, provided they take care of themselves. So is it bad if she's in her early 60s and ...

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My mom put a snow fence up and it looks bad how do u get her to take it down?

So my mom put a snow fence at the end if our drive way and it bright orange and it looks ugly. I told her I'll help her shovel the drive way if ...

1 answers | | Open

I almost got raped in skool by girls..bcoz they used the spades and shovels and sticks to beat me up

... and i was unconscious..... so they took off ma clothes and wanted to hav it with me....i mean i didnt want only 12... n i wanna teach ...

8 answers | | Open