Poison Topic Questions
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We found 31 questions associated with the 'Poison' topic. Displaying results 1 - 10.
I’m pregnant and had some milk in a glass but it smelled like soap did I poison myself?
What kind of poison powder would make your throat itch and your lungs hurt?
These gang members that don't like me are dropping some kind of powder next to me when they walk by me at work. I saw them start talking to ...
What happen to plant when inject it with animal poison?
Im just curious. Plant killer usually can kill animal too. But if snake,scorpion,poison dart frog and many more's poison that animal produce got ...
My dog ate rat poison, probably lannate, and showed all the terrible symptoms: choking on mucous,?
... tremors, muscle weakness: he kept collapsing, and I had to drag him, but he is a rottweiler and was too heavy for me. In the end, I ran for the ...
Google - ok so yesterday I took some pamprin and it completely slipped my mind ?
... and so i went to a party and drank. i woke up shaking uncontrollably and my joints were attempting to lock, i had to force myself to throw up ...
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Related topics: google, sickness, poison, alcohol abuse
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