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I have my grandfather law enforcement badge?

My grandfather passed away I have his law enforcement badge in my wallet can I carry it in my wallet

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Understand that I have not married you and there is such a situation that I have to marry someone?

... else and I have to file an FIR against the person who married me after seeing your love and you passed me as a man to accept me

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How long does it take to get your license as a nurse with a criminal background?

Passed my New Jersey NLCEX in September and still no updates

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Baby names/nicknames?

My father passed away two years ago and I would love to name my son after his grandfather. My fathers first name was Luigi, I am looking for ...

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Google - what is ment by the Date of acquiring qualification of degree? is it the date that you?

... appeared your last exam and passed it or else the date of issue of ...

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today during science, this boy passed me a note asking me to go out with him. i never really thought about if i liked him or not until then. the note also ...

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My childhood has passed bitterly as I am 34 and still I am remembering my past and feel very?

... uncomfort,my past are rearding my parents my 2 sisters and a brother,i ...

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Could I be pregnant?

Last month I missed my period but I had it early this month. When I was on it I passed out which never happened before. I been getting dizzy everyday ...

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