Laugh Questions
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What episode of “The Walking Dead” does Carol offer to “do it” with Daryl but he just laughs
... at her? I think it was on Season 2, and they were on top of Dale’s trailer thing, but I’m not positive. I can’t seem to find ...
Why do people laugh when their friends/family are puking? Why is so funny?
I don't get it. Why would you laugh at your family/friends when they're puking? What makes it funny? I think it's crap.
Popular Questions
Why do people laugh when their friends/family are puking? Why is so funny?
I don't get it. Why would you laugh at your family/friends when they're puking? What ...
Why do people act so stupid?
people always act so crazy they make fun of people thwey laugh then they act like theyb are so good so why do people act so stupid
I haven't been feeling like myself lately?
Last week I felt like myself; outgoing, hyper, crazy, cute, I just have a alot of personality and I make everyone laugh. At the ...
Cooperative Yard Sales is NOT A SCAM!!!?
I’ve been reading all kinds of “reports” on the internet about Cooperative Yard Sales being a scam and it makes ...
Mike is interested in becoming a nurse because he enjoys caring for and helping others. When he?
... shares his plans with his friends, they laugh at him and call him a ...