Goat Topic Questions
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We found 19 questions associated with the 'Goat' topic. Displaying results 1 - 10.
How much does a pregnant goat cost?
Assume in herd of goats 3% out of every 140 goats are exotic breeds instead of indigenous breed. No?
Assume in herd of goats 3% out of every 140 goats are exotic breeds instead of indigenous breed. Note that the herd meets hardy-weinberg. determine ...
Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open
Related topics: exotic, goat, indigenous, note, every, breed, meet, herd
What are the hazards/risks of trimming a goats hooves and how can these be managed? thanks?
What are the hazards of trimming a goats hooves, who will be harmed and how can the risks be managed?
We have 3 lions and 3 goats in the bank of a river and have one boat that can take only two to other
... side of the river ... (No.of lions=no. Of goats then safe otherwise lion will eat the goat...).How the lions and goats will go across the river?
Gold Rush - what does todd Hoffman do because you never see him get dirty if he would help out like?
... dave does thay might get more gold hes good for standing around and yanking on goat patch
Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open
Related topics: gold, goat, dave, dirty, rush, standing, hoffman, patch, good, gold rush