Betta Topic Questions

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We found 41 questions associated with the 'Betta' topic. Displaying results 21 - 30.

Is my betta pregnant without a male?

I've had my betta fish for about 2 months. In the past 3 weeks, her egg spot has been becoming a lot more noticable and she's ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: fish, egg, betta, pregnant, eggs

Google - My betta fish is no acting normal. He lays at the bottom. He also has a white stomach and?

... the white part is falling of him, it reminds me of dry skin on a human... Help? It's a 4.5 gallon with filter! (Heater got messed up in ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: white, fish, betta, skin, falling, bottom, stomach, humans, normal

Can Mystery Snails live in a 10 gallon tank without a filter?

I have two with my Betta fish and he won't leave them alone. I have another tank just not a filter and want to know if it is okay to move them ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: fish, filter, tank, leave, mystery, snail, betta, alone

What kind of fish can I put in a two gallon tank?

I have a two gallon tank that I used to hold a betta in, and now I am looking to see if I have any other option of aquatic life that I can keep in ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: life, fish, tank, betta, aquatic

My betta fish completely changed color, is something wrong?

My betta fish, Edmond, was small when I got him. He is a dragon scale male. He was all white with almost clear fins and different black and blue ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | | Open

Related topics: black, white, fish, scale, color, blue, clear, betta, different, spot, fin, male

Help with betta fins

My double tail betta got into his new tank about 3 months ago, and is starting to look like a crown tail betta. His activey is normal and he eats ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: fine, tank, betta, double, tail, news, crown, month, fin, normal, active

Has anyone ever had a male betta and female platy make babies?

We have only 2 fish (a female platy and a male betta) and put them in the same tank for about an hour 6 weeks ago. We didn't leave them together ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 1 answers | | Open

Related topics: fish, female, tank, babies, betta, together, male, hybrid

What is wrong with my Betta?

I just got a female vieltail betta and I was comparing a picture that I took of her when I first brought her home to a picture I took 24 hours later. ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: female, betta, fish, pets

I want a fish that is easy to care for?

My mom agreed on buying me a fish for my birthday but I don't know which one to buy I don't want a betta fish a want a fish that is easy to ...

Posted 3+ months ago | 2 answers | 1 star | Open

Related topics: fish, mom, birthday, betta, buying, easy, care

What kind of other fish can I put in a 2 gallon tank with my betta?

I have a two gallon tank, with my one male betta and am looking for a tank-mate for my fish to have a more lively looking atmosphere.

Posted 3+ months ago | 0 answers | | Open

Related topics: fish, atmosphere, tank, betta, male

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