I decided to rent an apartment and shortly after moving in, me and my significant other decided to get a puppy. When we asked the lease department they said we are not allowed to have a dog upstairs due to there policy. In our lease agreement it says nothing about dogs not being allowed upstairs. only that we must pay a $200 additional Security fee, $25 extra a month for rent, and cant be a few certain breeds of dog. When we asked where it stated we couldnt have a dog upstairs. They pulled out an old brochure with dust on it and showed us where it said no dogs allowed upstairs. But we never signed a brochure, we never seen it. Also when we called we asked specifically "is there any difference between an upstairs and downstairs apartment as far as the layout or limitations" and we were told no they are both the same.

Now we dont want to live here anymore as everyone else has animals but we specifically arent allowed. They said we can leave anytime but still have to pay our rent for the next 11 months because we signed a year contract.