My cat was a beautiful healthy, furry cat, with a tail like a fox. he will turn 8 yrs old in july. since I moved to this house he loves to go outside, check our surroundings. i have noticed about three weeks ago that he was loosing hair, licking like he usually does when bathes himself and leaving a lot of hair on the floor. i thought it was the tuna fish (a very good and expensive can that i buy for myself),after finding out that instead water was in oil. MY friend told me to give him half benadril one day and the other half on the following day. I was afraid and waited to see if my cat would feel better.he never stop eating or drinking water, but lost weight, and a lot of his beautiful hair. I dont let him stay inside anymore bcse of his hair, i am allergic and I am afraid my dog catches it, in case he is sick. i didnt have money to take him to the vet. he sleeps, jumps around, eats well as i said, but I dont like the litle black spots around his mouth...can you help me out?
Answers (1)
there is NO way around it...he needs to be examined by a a VET and NOW. Call as many Vets as needed and if he is a good vet I am sure he will work out a payment plan and will not let your poor kitty suffer! If not call a shelter maybe they can you refer you to some re-sources where he can get the help he really needs. You took on the responsibility of this animal and that means his medical care as well. Please do the right thing by kitty.