I am 18 and I just started college. Back in highschool, like the 9th grade, I had a huge crush on this guy named Kyle. Well, Kyle didn't like me back too much since he was preoccupied with another girl. My best friend dated a guy out of the same circle, Timothy. Timothy was one of those goth pot head kids who listened to Lamb of God, Atryeu, etc,. I didn't really have a thing for him then, and quite frankly thought he was a bit freakish. Anyways, Timothy broke up with my best friend, and dropped out of school to attain his GED, which he did. He then proceeded to the U.S. Army, where he lost his boyishness and girl jeans. In simpler terms, he is now SEXY. He is a great person as well, and we really have a lot in common. The conversation is just very easy with him. He's stationed in Louisiana right now, and is returning in December, when we have planned to get together for a party. In the past couple of weeks, we have been talking a lot, and getting to know eacher. Something that would have never happened in high school. I can picture myself making love to, marrying, etc. to this guy. Back to Kyle, now like I said I had a huge crush on Kyle, however, the feelings were not mutual. Fast forward, 3 years, when I am a senior in high school. He starts to show me attention now, expressing his undying like for me. Anyways, I just didn't feel the same way for him anymore, so I made it a point to avoid him. Now, fast forward to my freshman year in college. I go to the mall with my same best friend, and guess whos there? Kyle. He's looking good, taller, more clean cut, etc. I say "Hi!" and go back to hanging with my best friend, when all I can talk about to her is Kyle. When I am not looking, she grabs my phone and calls Kyle, and invites him to a movie with us and her new boyfriend. He shows. We have a fun time. At the end of the night, we hold hands, and hug for a while. At that moment, I really liked him. I had unwaivering like in my heart. So while I still had the lady-balls to do it, I confessed my like for him. He tells me he feels the same way. Bang-boom, we are bf/gf. After this wonderful evening, I'm driving my way home when I suddenly remember Timothy. I can't stop thinking about him. I keep trying to stop, but I can't. I know its wrong, but... I'm looking forward to Timothy coming back in December. I want to be with him, I think. I've got a good thing going with Kyle, but I can't stop thinking about Timothy. What should I do??
Responses (2)
Oh boy, ok ok don't have a heart attack, the world as we know it is not coming to a end. Let me get this out of the way first, you must be fine and have some real good stuff. you are not the first young lady who has had this let's say situation.I think you owe the guy in the army a chance, he's lock down in the army no dout with blue balls thinking of you.