... Now that I'm a Dad myself, this saying has a new meaning for me.

I fought with my Dad steady when I was a teenager. I thought he was trying to make me be like him too much. I thought he was trying to stop me from being with my friends. Like when he wouldn't let me go out because I didn't do my homework yet. My Dad would ground me when I didn't come home on time. He wouldn't let me grow my hair long or color it like my friends.

I guess I was like most kids, I hated being controled all the time. It seemed my Dad was always on my case. Now, I have a little boy who is just turning twelve. Sometimes I sound just like my father, saying, "don't do this!" or "don't do that!" I lost my Dad two years ago, but sometimes I talk to him, wherever he is, and I say, "you did know best, Dad." Because, looking back, he was right in all the things he told me