There is this girl I like at school but she's always with her sister. How can I speak to her alone? I'm not in the same class as her, and she's in the same class as her sister.
Responses (4)
Well, You could simply ask the girl if you could talk to her a min (being completely serious) away from her sister at lunch or before or after school. However, if that's too difficult, you could have your friends help you by asking her sister for math help or something so she'll be busy away from you guys. If you don't want to have your friends in your business, you could just try to catch her after or before school at her locker assuming it's different from her sisters. Or, if you're observant enough to know which locker, write her a note and put it in her locker. There's also lunch, when you might be able to pull her aside. Really though, if she's that attached to her sister all the time, it's going to be very difficult to keep away from her sister. :/ Let's just say, If you really like her, her sister's kinda always going to be there so you'd have to be on her sisters good side too. Good Luck! :]
Don't be afraid to speak to her! If she stays near her sister a lot she's probably very shy. Take small steps, smile at her when you see her and talk to her with her sister, then ask to speak to her alone? If she's not confident it may take time or you may find she opens up quickly. Take you time, be confident and take the first step.
Thank you very much for your answer.
I'll try and talk to her tommorrow and let you know how it goes :) I am decent friends with her sister, so I guess it would't be too akward :3