Now that a President can do what ever he feels like if it helps him get re-elected or he feels like it is best for the country. Didn’t the republicans just give him or any President the authority to take away their guns? They need to be asked this question.
Responses (2)
Government stability and fidelity. The Proverbs express principles of good government. Men of high station, such as kings, should search matters through (Pr 25:2), manifest loving-kindness and trueness (20:28), and deal justly with their subjects (29:4; 31:9), including the lowly ones (29:14). Their counselors cannot be wicked men if the rulership is to be firmly established by righteousness. (25:4, 5) A leader must be a man of discernment and a hater of unjust profit.—28:16.
Whereas ‘righteousness exalts a nation’ (Pr 14:34), transgression results in unstable government. (28:2) Revolution also brings great instability, and it is counseled against at Proverbs 24:21, 22: “My son, fear Jehovah and the king. With those who are for a change, do not intermeddle. For their disaster will arise so suddenly, that who is aware of the extinction of those who are for a change?”