i already asked her to be my GF but she said no but she had a boyfriend at the time so she broke up with him but i dont want to ask again i want to do something nice for her as like a parting gift but should i try too ask again awnsewer before March 29 2013 we are in the 5 graed
Responses (4)
i found out she didnt move it was just a misunderstanding it was just a vacation
i found out she didnt move it was just a misunderstanding it was just a vacation
it was a understanding how frustration it is. sorry but if u like her u should buy her something nice. a thing that she would like to have not expensive but nice.
i mean misunderstanding.
u should not have said the last part that was heartbreaking how can he move on is he likes this girl? he has to keep trying that's what some girl's do don't give up.
what u should do is give her a teddy bear or something nice to her if i was u i would give her a necklace, a moon ring that tells u your motions, or a teddy bear with a heart on it that says "I LOVE YOU" or something like that and it would be nice if you should ask her out before she leaves to Colorado and finds herself a boyfriend there.
sorry for saying the last part.
i dont have a phone