I called cps and the police after hearing my neighbors screaming obsenities at their toddler and slapping her after she sweetly called mommy and repeatedly asked questions. She admitted to the cop she gave her daugher a "little smack" and the police basically said you gotta do what you gotta do, everything looks good, and left. After he left, she said get in bed, it's your fault they came here, but riddled with much more cursing. They have been in bed since 2 pm and it is now 11pm. Everytime she gets up she yells at her to lay down. I don't know what else I can do...I already explained to cps and the cops these sort of incidents have happened before and have only escelated since they moved into the apartment complex.
The cops and cps did nothing about my verbally and physically abusive neighbors. What else can I do?
Added 3+ months ago:
Perhaps I should add that I've heard them hit their child out of discipline (okay) and out of anger (not okay) many times over the last month. I understand anger makes us do stupid things. We've all been there which is why I've ignored this before. I've never heard them speak to her without putting her down or cursing the whole month they've lived here and never apologize for hitting her. I don't know why a toddler should suffer because her mom and boyfriend can't control their feelings, over and over again. I don't want them to be broken up as a family, bit they need some parenting classes or counseling.
Answers (1)
What did you deserve to get this? I personally would suggest forgiving them. Sayin this out of experience with assualt case couple years ago. Life will be more easy if you just forgive and forget and by gons, unless an oportunity is given by luck/faith to fix or receive an apology otherwise your good man. Not everyone has a good day..
You would split a family up forever over a two hour period situation that bruises will get healed and time will fix the words saids