Why do so many seem out of it these days, even though we have more now then we ever had? How and what can be done to help?
Answers (2)
One problem is police. Public officials have to con the people into thinking they are doing something to justify keeping their jobs. Police do that by arresting criminals. Well, if you think about it, you might realize there really aren't enough criminals to justify the number of police that we have, so the police have to get clever. They crack down on speeders. Even on roads that are rarely traveled by more than one car at a time, police watch for speeders. The other source of criminals is teenagers. Police patrol around high schools, looking for uppity teens. Nobody teaches teens how to respond to a cop's questions, so he (not she) has to invent everything he says or does. As soon as he makes a mistake, the cop has an arrest to justify his job for a while longer.
The bigger problem is teachers. Teachers are trained to get along with school boards, not teens. They treat teens as criminals, only kept in high school because they are not old enough for prison.
So what can you do to survive your teen years? Get a bottle of B-100 at the drug store. B vitamins make you strong enough to survive the ill treatment. Vitamin B2 is a water soluble dye that makes urine bright yellow. When the color fades, it's time for another pill.
Viewing clinical depression as a sickness rather than a weakness will help parents and others focus on how they can support the teen.
A numbers of factors may be the cause of teen depression. Physical or emotional changes brought on by puberty can bring about uncertainty and fear. Teens are often vulnerable to negative emotions when they feel they have been rejected by peers or someone they may have developed romantic feelings for. Plus, teens are growing up in a world that can be depressing in itself. They are facing the pressures of life, and in many cases, not inclined to ask for help.
It's important not to blame the teen. They have little control over their disorder.
The Bible at 1 Thessalonians 5:14 says to " speak consolingly to depressed souls."
A person who is genuinely depressed really hurts. Listen, try to draw out the teens feelings. Never give up in proving support and never let up showing love. Patience, perseverance, and love will provide a foundation for helping a depressed teen.