it states to keep someone from doing something they want to do or another definition would be can't look or over see something both seemed to get wierd defititions ones that no longer make sense
Thanks for the answer. So a little backstory: he's going thru a big custody battle and that's the reason we stopped seeing each other . It's been 7 months. We finally had the chance to talk the other day in which I stated I missed him. With the stymied response I would assume that due to the custody thing it's blocking him from missing me? Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I don't know if it meant he does or doe t.
Thanks for the answer. So a little backstory: he's going thru a big custody battle and that's the reason we stopped seeing each other . It's been 7 months. We finally had the chance to talk the other day in which I stated I missed him. With the stymied response I would assume that due to the custody thing it's blocking him from missing me? Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I don't know if it meant he does or doe t.