how do yall feel about this. I quit my job for emotional distress and now consulting with a lawyer
Responses (1)
i think your doing the right thing. what they did was disgusting and totally against the rules. those two should be fired. if the company doesn't agree with at least firing them and maybe compensation then you should go and sue them. i would be just as ticked off.
that also depends if the manager knew what the stocker did with the your beverage. i'm assuming he did know.
that's absurd. of course it's a big deal. human resources are suppose to be there to enforce the rules. if they think it's not a big deal to pee in peoples food then i guess suing them is what you should do. one of my aunts had a similar problem at a star bucks when an employee spit in her coffee. i don't know if anything was done about it but i know stuff like that happens.
once my lawyer sends the letter to the company and they respond im giving it to the media i want people to know about this company and the people really needs to know this is something that has never happened to me i vomited for 15 minutes went home brushed my teeth and returned when anybody else would of knocked the crap out of them
this behavior doesn't get as much attention in media as it should. i live in reno and there's been a few stories about buffets who do worse things than this. that's why i usually don't go out to eat anymore. i agree with what you want to do.
he did and i called human resources after, they acted like it was a big deal drove by there day before yesterday their vehicles were in the parking lot this occurred a month ago ive got all the evidence i need text from both of them admitting it happened im disgusted im not the type of person to try to get money but this has physically and mentally messed me up and obviously they dont think it was a big deal. This happened at a grocery store where people get FOOD this could of been done to other people including customers