I got Toast, male, from a pet store about two or three weeks ago. Last week, I got the gerbil he had been housed with in that pet store (Marshmallow, also male) because I didn t want either of them to be alone. I have been doing the split cage method since and twice I have tried putting them in neutral territory to see if they would be comfortable with each other/remember each other. first time having gerbils since I was a child, and I work part time so I want to be at least 99% sure they aren t going to hurt each other while I m gone.

Here is the way they act together in the neutral territory: Marshmallow (newer) runs around and digs a bunch, while Toast (have had longer) will sometimes run around but mostly run on the wheel or sit in log. They rub noses and squeak to each other (sometimes high pitched?). instead of letting Marshmallow on the wheel Toast will often chase him away from it. They sniff each other s scent glands, seem to do ok, but Toast sometimes looks like he s biting Marshmallows nose rather than just touching them together. Toast will often chase Marshmallow away from certain items (like the wheel and the log) with his tail high up. there is no real fur-ball or blood-drawing type fighting..

What do these behaviors mean? How much longer do you all recommend I keep them apart in split cage? Is this neutral territory really helpful?