Spiritual healing is not real, evidence to show?

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There are many people who believe in spiritual healing, some for religious reasons others others for holistic purposes. Either way there is something to the practice and belief.
From a spiritual standpoint, many read about Jesus, healing and curing people, even long distance. Luke 13:13 "And he laid his hands on her, and instantly she straightened up and began to glorify God." John 4:49-53
These Miraculous healing were to be a “sign” of divine backing. Acts 4:30
On the other hand, true spiritual healing comes from Jehovah to repentant ones. It means a return to his favor and the enjoyment of his blessings once again.
Jeremiah 33:6 says, "Here I am bringing recuperation and health to her, and I will heal them and reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth."

No one has the ability to heal on the same level as Jesus did, if they did, our health levels would be increasing, not decreasing.

From a holistic standpoint, our bodies have the ability to do what it has been programmed to do, that is repair itself. It is in our DNA to do so. However because of disconnecting ourselves from the one who has the instructions on how to complete the process, our bodies can go only so far with it, so aging takes it's toll on us and our healing ability is limited.

The Bible helps us to appreciate how to heal those who are spiritually sick. It says at
John 17:3, "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
This knowledge will result in what is called the "healing of the nations", Revelation 22:2

If you would like additional information, please ref; jw.org (Healing)

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