Sources say the Gregorian is one day off in 3236 years that we can compare to twice Mayan 1507 (3014) and twice Gregorian 1600 (3200) which would shatter the claim that Babylon’s Mayan is closer to reality than Egypt’s Gregorian.
Mayan 1508 haab is 1507 seasonal, 3016 haab is 3014 seasonal. 1508 haab of 365-day is 550,420 days /1507 = 365.24220305_2422....repeat; while Julian 400 years as 146,100 days minus 3 = 146,097 /400 exactly 365.2425 days. The seasonal is claimed to average 365.24219 boasting Mayan as closer but how if 12-day cycle of Gregorian 1600 is closer to 3236 years than 12-day cycle 1507 because Mayan is 24 days in 3014 and Gregorian is 24 days in 3200. Even with the one day off meaning that seasonal is 23 days, it is closer to 3200 years than it is to 3014 years.