one of my so called friends frequently goes after the guys i like, even if im with them! another friend is going out with one of my other friends but keeps putting herself in situations with other guys, not actually doing anything with them but flirting, laughing etc. when hes not around. should I tell the first friend to back off or else, and the second friends boyfriend what shes doing (even though he wouldnt believe it and i would most likely end up losing him as a friend too) or do i just cut them both out of my life and hope that some day they will get their just rewards?
Responses (1)
I believe in Karma. You don't wan't want to do anything that bad about this situation though, if u do choose to do something. Karma comes back 10 fold.. Whether or not people believe it, everything bad you do, comes back to you 10 fold. A friend of mine is serving time in jail right now for something really small, nd it's because when he was younger alot of people bailed him out of trouble, now it's time for him to pay his dues. Just remember, karma comes back in the end... I mean yeah, the girl thats doing this to you is pretty crappy for doing it, but she'll get her bad karma soon. If anything just tell her she's not a good friend to you if she flirts with your boyfriend or whoever the guy is and just tell her that you don't think her behavior is appropriate and just walk away and leave it at that, don't let her get a word in. Hope this sets ur mind at ease.