I've recently been thinking about death and the afterlife, and what if atheists are right and there is no afterlife.
after combing the internet, I've developed a depressing hypothesis;
What if the afterlife that Christians, Muslims, and other religious groups see as they are dying are nothing more than the brains last hallucinations before shutting down for good into a black abyss of nothing.
This is what has been running through my mind for the past week and its filling me with fear and depression, that at any moment and without warning, I could die and spend the rest of the eternity of existence staring at a void.
I've tried to make compensations like how it most likely will not hurt, and I won't feel anything once I'm dead, or how everyone else is going to die as well, but none of it is working.
I want this feeling to go away, i want it to stop, things I once found fun are becoming dull and tedious.
The simple act of sleeping fills me with anxiety for the though of "this is what its going to be like once you're dead" keeps me awake.
I come from a family of religious people, so asking them may not help
Someone, Anyone, please help me