... were really bad because I haven't gotten anything under a c in years! Here are my grades.

History - 78(C)
Science - 81(B)
Spanish 68 (D, final exams screwed me over and we didn't have a teacher 90% of the school year and he got interrupted all the time by other students so no one learned anything.)
Language arts 68 (D) my PC broke down which had my paper on it so I had to use the family PC and I had to turn it in late.
Math 66(D) I was never good at math so this is expected
ART- 74 (C) I didn't turn in the homework since I'm god awful at hand drawing things

I try my best and I try studying(which is hard to do since at my house it's extremely dirty and reeks of my brothers semen, sweat and rabbit and they won't take me to the library but if they did they would hover over me distracting me and calling me out Everytime made a move.)

My dad will usually say I'm lazy (even though I do all my work and turn it in.) And I might get the belt so can anyone give me some good arguments that might give me a chance of not getting my butt beat?