I'm kind of miserable right now. I have acne all over my body (I am treating it) and I live in humid weather tht makes me constantly sweat, even inside which I'm sure doest help keep my medicine on. Aside from that I've been constipated for a few weeks now. I take enzymes, vitamin c, laxative powder, drink water. Nothing works. What's the problem? I've never been constipated before. I have a good diet of mostly fruits and vegetables. Aside from THAT, I'm having this unbearable burning pain on the tip of my vagina(the pink part) not the inside. Goin all the way to the outside of my vagina and anus. I haven't had sex in a few weeks. I don't know if it's the latex condoms, dry friction burning, or flavored lub or a yeast infection. But this burning comes and goes. When I put the lube on it burns like crazy. Right now I an barely sit down. I have no other symptoms of yeast infection. My partner has no stds. And because of this writhing pain(which also really hurts when I walk) it hurts like crazy to try to poop(cause I'm constipated) I feel disgusting. I'm not makin live again until all these problems are fixed. I'm embarrassed, and I feel horrible. I put this yeast infection anti irritation cream and it helped, aloe just burned.... Does that mean I have an infection or It just helped it stop bc it's made for irritation in general? Also, the pink part of my vagina, idk I it's the labia or whatever, has gotten bigger I think ever since I recently started  having sex for the first time. it's just like... Not pretty anymore. Not sexy looking. Idk if that's normal or not... Not super worried about that but seriously I'm quite miserable right now. I'd love any answers I can get. I know I sound like an idiot in this question I'm just writing it quick, sorry for the grammar... Meh. I just need help. And if my mom took me to the doctor to get the burning thing checked out could they find out I was having sex? I'd tell them I'm not for sure. I'd die if they knew. Literally. They might hurt me. So yeah... Bleghhh help me please nice people=[