... very vivid dream I was in class. then I woke up but i don't think it was real (I think i was still dreaming) then somehow I was in another very real feeling dream but I never fell back asleep. I "woke up" from that dream and this time I saw myself asleep on my side with my phone in my hand. then my phone was like all the dream was like in my head I watched snapchat stories even though I saw myself sleeping with my phone kinda in between my legs. everything went black but I still heard sound. I heard noices in my sleep but they felt like I was actually hearing them (if that makes any sense). then it went quiet and few seconds later I heard a person say hey what are you doing which scared me and I thought woke me up. I don't think I was actually up because then again I saw myself laying down on my side and then i couldn't move. I tried to scream but the words wouldn't come out. i told myself to relax and for some reason i did. i have anxiety and tell myself to relax all the time but it never usually works. i thought I closed my eyes but when i "did" i woke up for real this time. it is kinda hard to explain so I don't know if any of that made sense but it was the weirdest thing and feeling. and i am familiar with sleep paralysis but I don't think that was what happened. I looked up what it felt like and everyone says they are positive they were awake but I didn't feel awake. is it possible I was just dreaming about having sleep paralysis, I mean it felt real like I actually couldn't move but the rest of my dreams also felt super real and so did "waking up". someone please help me I am kinda panicking