Okay so in the United Kingdom (or at least England) if you stay on into 6th form you get £100 per term for having above 97% attendance. Now I've been reading up on this and it's our legal right to those £100 (or £300 per school year) IF you have 97%+ attendance.'

Anyway, my sixth form has a stupid, rude, and downright putrid manager who thinks he's god, and he's implimented a new rule: "to get the bursary (the bursary is the £100) you must do 25 hours of volunteer work. And 1 week of work experience. Now I'm 17 and I had done 37 hours of volunteer work and 12 work days of work experience. But HE said that it wouldn't count towards the bursary because I had no proof (I gave him a certificate of experience and a signed note from the volunteer work) and he still thinks I didn't do it.

My question is: can he legally take away the bursary (or even make it so that you had to volunteer work to get it)?

NOTE: my attendance was 100% and he's done this to 20+ other people in sixth form